How to Bulk Move Posts to Categories and Tags in WordPress


Many WordPress beginners often get confused about categories and tags. You may end up using too many categories or tags before realizing that you were doing it wrong. The real problem comes when you decide to sort things out. Depending on how many posts you have, this could be a daunting task. In this article, we will show you how to bulk move posts to categories and tags in WordPress.

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First thing you need to do is install and activate the Bulk Move plugin. Upon activation, you need to go to Tools » Bulk Move to move your posts.

Moving posts in bulk from one category to another

This tool allows you to move all posts from one category to another. All you need to do is select category A in the left drop down menu and category B in the right drop down menu. After that just hit the Bulk Move button and the plugin will transfer all posts from category A to category B.

Similarly, you can also move posts between tags. Simply choose a tag, whose posts you want to move and then select the tag where you want posts to be moved.

Bulk Move plugin only moves your posts from one category or tag to another. It does not allow you to move categories to tags, tags to categories, or other custom taxonomies. If you want to move categories between different taxonomies take a look at our guide on how to merge and bulk edit categories and tags in WordPress. We also have a tutorial on how to convert WordPress pages to posts, posts to pages, or any other custom post type.

We hope this article helped you bulk move posts between categories and tags in WordPress. For feedback and questions you can leave a comment below, or you can join us on Twitter.