The Free & Best MMORPGs You Should Play In 2019


What do you get when you take a regular offline role-playing game and put it in an online world? MMORPGs or massively multiplayer online role-playing games.

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MMORPGs are really popular throughout the world and adhere to a wide range of age groups. You get the freedom to be yourself in an online world and interact with other people. This level of freedom is what pulls players to the games for an extended period of time.

Another great thing about MMORPGs is that most of them are free. Free games are more likely to attract video-gamers then paid ones with a few exceptions like World of Warcraft (WOW), Guild wars etc. Now, that being said a lot of the MMORPGs have in-game micro transactions which can help you customize or enhance your character in game in many ways. Apart from that, the core gameplay is completely free.

So, let us take a look at some of the best free MMORPGs available to you now.

Best MMORPGs Free-To-Play 2019

1. Riders of Icarus

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If you want the similar theme of pokemon go, but just a little more hardcore without all the cuteness, then Riders of Icarus is the game for you.

The idea of collecting monsters as long term goal has not been widely implemented in MMORPGs and this is what sets Riders of Icarus aside from a lot of games which look similar. Here, you battle monsters of various kinds across different territories, with the goal of defeating and then taming them to join your own ranks to further your cause. Once you have tamed monsters, you can choose to make them your mounts which increases the level of your character and progresses you further into the game.

You probably have understood by now that combat mechanics heavily rely on your mounts as well, so it is important to know the abilities of your character and your mount when you ride out into battle. The most intense moments arise when you are on an aerial mount and battling from the skies.

Riders of Icarus also has a lot of cool and beautiful gear to offer and other side quests to keep you entertained should you get bored of the main tasks.

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2. Revelation Online


Revelation Online is a free to play MMORPG from Chine which will dazzle you with its looks as well its gameplay. It was available only in for Asian servers when it first came out, but we are glad that it made its way worldwide.

The game offers incredible depth in terms of story and character development. You get to explore a vast world and look for loot and secrets in the most unexpected of places as you progress through the game.

Gamers are given a more open choice unlike traditional hack and slash games, because you are given the choice of choosing among a tab-targeting style of combat, a completely dynamic action style of combat where you can map out your own keys and rule out all presets or a combination of both (this concept is very intriguing and confusing at the same time). So, you can shift between them any time you like to change your style of play time to time. And once you have progressed far enough into the game, if you feel like it, you can reassign the specs of your character all over again to start a new.

3. Secret Worlds Legends

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If you are more interested in science fiction/horror thrillers and a possible dystopian society setting, then Secret Worlds Legends is one of the free mmorpgs you should be playing.

Secret Worlds Legends was initially paid to play but now has adopted the free to play model. We thank the heavens above for that. It is filled with mythological creatures, secret societies and evil cults which will make you feel like you are traversing and surviving through a world of mystery and danger at every corner. We also must commend the excellent sound design of the game itself which just adds that extra bit of oomph into the game.

The setting of Secret Worlds Legends is what allows the game to compel players to stay with a very story driven form of gameplay. Unlike most other free to play MMORPGs, which mostly rely on letting you out into a vast open world and doing what you wish to do, this game actually gives you a sense of purpose which you can relate to (a possible future). Players appreciate the beautifully woven narrative in an equally well-crafted atmosphere. You have to try it out to know it yourself.

4. Skyforge


If you want to feel like a god, then this is the game for you. Skyforge lets you start off as an immortal warrior after which you can proceed on your quest to gain loyal followers who worship you after which you can ascend to godhood in a technologically advanced world.

The level of freedom that Skyforge gives you is really appreciable. You are not tied down to any one class in this game and can change between them a moment of time. Also, the traditional levelling up is done away with in this game. Instead of levels, you grow by gaining prestige which determines how strong your character is based on the stats.

This deviation from the traditional format of most free to play MMORPGs and a solid combination of action-packed gameplay, and science fiction makes Skyforge a wonderful option to try out.

5. Lord of the Rings Online

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The other name of Fantasy is Middle-earth, and till date, no one has done it better than the late J.R.R Tolkien himself. So, we just had to add Lord of the Rings Online for nostalgia and as a fangirl/fanboy moment.

Lord of the Rings Online manages to replicate that feeling of being in middle earth yourself and lets you wage war against the dark forces of Sauron. The game has been continually expanded on and updated throughout its existence, including a transition to a free-to-play model.

You are offered more than just quests, skills and items on your journey throughout middle earth. You can purchase and decorate your own house in one of the four districts and interact with bankers, healers, bards and other non-playable characters to access various other amenities.

In this game, you also get access to unique game modes such as Player vs Monster Player, which allows gamers to step into the shoes of an orc, wargor other enemies under Sauron.

While staying true to the source content, Lord of the Rings Online manages to add a lot of diversity on its own and new content regularly to keep its fans content. We implore you to try it, mainly for nostalgic reasons.

6. Runescape


There is nobody in the world who regularly plays video games and has not heard or read about Runescape. Considered as the granddaddy by many to modern MMORPGs, Runescape is the game which holds the Guinness world record for the longest playing time per player.

Runescape has inspired a generation and beyond of MMORPGs and carved out a legacy for itself. Boasting over 250 million unique player accounts over its lifetime till date, Runescape continues to attract a younger generation of gamers as it has now shifted to the non-browser platform which makes it adaptive and more competitive.

A huge reason for Runescape’s success is due to the freedom it allows players when they progress in the game. Players are not tied down to any sort of linear gameplay and can go about doing whatever they wish to do in the game, whenever and however they want to.

We will not really give our opinion on why you should or should not play this game, because Runescape is very dear to our hearts. So, just take our word for it and try it out. We guarantee you will not be let down.

These were our top free mmorpgs you should try. Let us know if you enjoyed any of them down in the comments below and if you have any of your own suggestions.

7. Guild War 2

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Guild War 2 is a great multiplayer game which you can play over World of Warcraft. However, the game cannot beat the popularity of the Blizzard but is an excellent contender to the game. You can play the game for free and that too without paying the fee for a month.

The game is smooth and provides a great experience regarding the gameplay. One of the free MMORPGs doesn’t provide the difficulties and the complexities as the World of the Warcraft, but still, it motivates the player to team up to win the game.

Moreover, the game has been in the list of the top MMORPG 2016. You would not require the healer or the tank in the game to increase the entertainment. Meanwhile, you would also get the great updates in the gameplay.

The in gem store is the way through which the developer can add the new content in the game. You would keep on getting the updates in the gameplay like the new events, weapons, challenges and other story modes which would keep your interest on.

8. Rift


If you are looking for free MMORPG games, then rift can be a great option. The game was once the most expensive MMORPG, but you don’t have to reconstruct everything to get the best. The game was launched in 2011 and has been delivering the excellence since then. You would find everything in the game. Similar titles to the world of Warcraft, like like gameplay, crafted characters and everything else.

The game quests could be quite boring at the starting, but then it starts to get interesting when it proceeds further. The game has fantastic landscapes along with the fury demonic beings. You would find the dimensional rifts, closing the sporadic and much more fun.

Best feature of the game comes with the immersive system of the class. This means that the gameplay’s characters go on in a hierarchy. The player is made to choose between the two faces whether defiant or the guardians. Each type has three races in it. The races are the warrior, cleric rogue or mage. Because if so much distinction and the varieties, the game is known to be the best one and top free MMORPG.

Moreover, the players are allowed to take onto three souls at a given time. The subclasses of a class can be made with the help of the subtree. This much intense doping in the game takes it to a level of the customization. It is also helpful in adding up more seen as strategy wise. It makes the game more intriguing and dynamic.

You would be learning the basics and the entire game till you are at the level 50 after that you would be getting the real taste of the game and know why is it called the best free MMORPG.

Rift is free, but a new edition was meant to be added in the game. The name of the addition was Starfall and was released back in 2013. However, you can be updated with the same version with the new content. So it’s great to try out with the game.

9. Star Wars: the old republic

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Any star wars lover would find this game as amazing as the world of the Warcraft. But the game is truly a sensation. The game is free to play MMORPG. The game consists of the unlimited fantasies attached to a material. Thanks to the Bioware that it has helped everyone to play the game for free and without any subscription.

The game is easily recognizable and accessible to everyone. The game’s dialogue and narration are brilliant. It seems like everything is alive. The dialogue direction is in a way that every single star wars fan would appreciate the quality and the creativeness. The graphics of the game would make you jump off the chair.

However, you can even customize the graphics your way. You don’t have to be a great designer or coder for that. The game graphics and everything else is rooted in the real time. Also, PVP warzone, space combat and there are other lots of variations in the game.

The game is online, but you can also get a great lonesome experience too. There is a reason why the game is in the best MMORPG 2018. The players come either an empire or the republic form and can select from the four options given further. These four categories are the children of the parent category republic and empire.

10. Tera


Tera talks about itself being the best combat and dynamic system in the MMORPG gaming. Like the other contender’s games, Tera opens a whole new level of the characters and classes. The game has different types of the characters. It has cute Popori to giant Amani. These characters of something common from the set of all races and classes. The gaming environment of the game is also amazing. All you have to do is just enjoy the joy the fun of looking at the game’s graphics, characters, vistas, and other scenic things. You would feel a great sense of satisfaction playing the game.

The fare of the Tera playing initial hours is basic. However, the game provides you with an amazing set of graphics coupled with the combat mechanics.  The game asks the player to get indulged in the variety of things like dodging, skipping and facing off the opponent’s attacks. The gameplay also includes the killing and hunting for the big monsters that the player comes across. The gameplay is of mundane class as the players, and the teams are directed towards many scenes, quests, and events.

Moreover, the features like the open world PVP, in-game electronics, and other features add up to the taste of the gaming even more. In 2014 the game came across an update which includes various things like new levels, zones and other features to increase the gaming experience and that too for free.

Apart from these, two classes were also added which included the small updates to modify the skills, battlegrounds and other dungeons. The game keeps on receiving the new updates like the swimsuit dress for the summer and a lot more like this. The new versions also include gunner class which makes a perfect choice for the people who don’t have a PC.

So you can hunt for the above games to get a whole new experience of the different kind of the games of the MMORPGs.