Blog World Expo 2010 and Freebies (Final Overview)


So if you have been updated with the blog, then you must have seen tons of articles that we posted covering Blog World Expo 2010 sessions. Well, this article is a personal overview of mine, Syed Balkhi. I had a blast at the event because I love networking. It was a great conference with a lot of talented people. I was glad that I got to meet few of them. I also got to meet some of my good friends including but not limited to:

John Chow, Darren Rowse, Zac Johnson, Calvin Lee (@mayhemstudios), Patrick O’ Keefe, Brad Williams, Jeremy Schoemaker, and other web celebrities like Brian Clark, Jim Kukral, Chris Garrett, Sonia Simone etc. Below are the pics of mine with some of the awesome folks.

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Well most people think that these conferences are just educational. I think that you can have a lot of fun as well. My entire goal for the conference was to network, and that goal was accomplished. But my buddy John Chow and I accomplished other stuff such as successful goodies hunting at the Expo Hall Floor.

Getting Free Stuff at Blog World
P.S. I am not a great photographer, so I stole John’s image from this post (I am certain he won’t mind).

The main things that you see there is a Seagate GoFlex HardDrive with the Networking Pack. This can let me have my own cloud storage, forget paying for DropBox. They are in stores in Walmart. John and I also got a Kodak camera, Artisteer bag, and other mini goodies. Let’s talk a little more about Seagate and how I got it. We had no intention of going to their booth, but thanks to Jeri Ann, whom I had met earlier via twitter. She chased me down and took me there. Good thing that she knew who I was because she didn’t even recognize John. It was like John who? and then she read his name tag. I wish I had recorded that moment. Nonetheless, thanks Jeri and Seagate for giving us the drive.

It was a great conference, and we would be there again next year. Lastly, I want to thank my awesome sponsors for making this trip possible.


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