Bluehost WordPress Hosting is now faster with Free CloudFlare Support


If you have read our guide on how to choose the best WordPress hosting, then you probably know that Bluehost is one of our recommended WordPress hosting providers. But it’s not just us. They are officially recommended by WordPress as well. Recently while browsing through Facebook, we saw the status that Bluehost now has free built-in integration with Cloudflare. Check out the video below:

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So what is Cloudflare? Well, it is a service that protects and accelerate your website. Once you integrate your website with Cloudflare, then your traffic routed through their global network. You get to use their CDN. If you don’t know what a CDN does, then check out our infographic. You get to use their security service as well as their analytics.

Why aren’t other web hosting companies integrating with Cloudflare? Well technically Cloudflare works with all websites. You have to do the setup yourself. But for beginners, the setup part can be tedious. Bluehost being one of the best companies decided to add free integration. We are sure that other hosting companies will follow.

Looking for a WordPress hosting provider? Then we highly recommend you check out Bluehost. They are definitely one of the best. That’s why both WPBeginner and WordPress recommends them. Don’t believe us? Check out Bluehost user reviews.