Compact Archives


After a few years of blogging you will see how a WordPress archive can quickly get out of hand. What you need is a way to compress everything so that your posts are easier to find. There are quite a few ways to showing your archives. You can customize the display of WordPress archives in your sidebar. But that seems more complicated then simply using a plugin called Compact Archives.

If you go to WPBeginner’s Archives, you will see that we have quite a few browsing options. Most archive pages consist of archive by dates, categories, tags, etc. Well, we wanted to show archive by dates as well. Except, if we had listed every month of every year that we have been blogging, it was a long list. This plugin allows us to compress all that into a small space. You can see that in the screenshot below:

Compact Archives Screenshot

This plugin is only used on our archives page, and its worth using it if you have a fairly old blog.