convert existing wordpress website to mobile responsive just in minute

convert existing wordpress website to responsive


We all know todays web era is device responsive website, Means whenever visitor will come on your website he/she must have good web experience on your website, So your website must responsive for all the devices.

In this tutorial i am going to explain you how to create light weight mobile or tablet responsive wordpress website in minute using one of popular plugin called jetpack.

Step-1: Fist login into your wp-admin panel.

Step-2: Goto to Plugin section and install new plugin called jetpack

Step-3: After successful installation you’ll able to see new tab called Jetpack in main wordpress navigation see attached image.

Step-4: Now click on Jetpack >> Settings tab and you’ll see all Jetpack extension.

Step-5: Checked mobile theme and click on Activate link to apply mobile theme.

Using above steps you’ll able create wordpress mobile responsive website just in minute without writing so many media queries manually.