First Official WPBeginner Chat on Twitter Tomorrow


Tomorrow, we will be having our first official WPBeginner chat on Twitter. The event is planned for October 27th, 7 PM EST to be exact. We are planning to run the chat for one hour and no more. This is one of our first attempts to really increase interaction within our community. We will be introducing other methods as well.

We are asking that everyone join us on twitter and follow the hashtag #wpbchat tomorrow. The more people participate, the better it will be. The idea behind this chat is that everyone will be able to ask any question WordPress or Blogging related, and we will try our best to answer it right away on twitter. If not, then it will go in our list of things to cover on WPBeginner.

A chat summary will be posted on WPBeginner after the chat, but we urge that everyone joins in. We have no idea how this will turn out because it is our first official chat. Hopefully it will be a great informative event.

Other community interaction methods we are thinking are Ustream (live stream questionnaire with Syed), or even creating our own IRC channel. All thoughts are welcome. If you have specific topics that you want us to discuss, feel free to add them in the comments.