How to Get Free WSOP Chips & Codes [New Methods]
World Series of Poker (WSOP) is one of the most played online video poker games. It has more than 3 million players and is played all over the world. WSOP is based on actual gambling. Anyone can play this game on PC or on mobile. The graphics of the games are just amazing and accessing this game is very simple. Because of the amazing user-experience, it has become one of the most popular online poker games.
There are several games like Razz, Seven Card Stud Hi-Low Split, Lowball Draw and few more. There are many tournaments that you can take part in. Moreover, you can play with your friends. All the games that are available in WSOP have different strategies and structure. Because this is an online game, so you don’t need to go to those noisy and crowded casinos. Just open the game on your mobile or on your computer and start playing.
To get to the next level, you need chips. Also, there are many bonuses in the game. To get the chips you need to pay, but if you want to get free WSOP chips, then there are some ways that can help you in that. Below you will be finding the information about how you can get WSOP free chips.
The Best Methods & Tips To Get Free Wsop Chips – 2018
The Hourly Bonus : Free WSOP Chips
This is the first method that can help you to get world series of poker free chips. With this hourly bonus feature, you can get some free chips WSOP after every 4 hours. So, to get some chips with this method, just open the app and tap on the hourly bonus. And, some chips will be added to your account for free. The best part is that you don’t need to play to get these chips. Just open and tap on the bonus. You need to repeat this after every four hours so that you can get more and more chips.
World Series of Poker Mega Bonus
This is the second method that you can use to get the chips. With the above-mentioned method, you can also try this WSOP free mega bonus spin to get up to 400000 free chips. All the chips that you will get with WSOP free chips megabonus will be transferred immediately to your account and you can use these to play any game available in WSOP. So, follow the step by step guide to get this Mega Bonus:
- Open World Series of Poker game on your mobile or computer and create an account. If you already have an account just login to the game.
- When the account is created, just click on the “Collect Mega Bonus” button.
- Because it is a Wheel-of-Fortune type of thing, you need to spin the wheel to get this bonus. SO, just tap on “Spin”
- Now, when the spin will stop, you can get the coins according to your game’s status. As a beginner, you can get at least 30000 chips. And, if the luck is your side, you can get the maximum amount on the wheel.
So, this method can also earn you some free WSOP chips. Chips that you will get from this spin will be added to your account immediately. Moreover, there is a way that you can use to double the number of your chips. This is a very simple trick that you can use especially when you have gained some experience in the game. All you need is, when you have chips in your account, just head over to the mid-stakes. This is really a nice place from where you can get many chips.
The reason we are saying that you can get many chips easily by playing in mid-stakes games is that, in mid-stakes, usually there are players who are a beginner and they don’t know much about the game. So, for an experienced player, it is quite easy to head over there and get chips. This method needs patience, so go with it and grow your chips account.
Some Working Wsop Chips X Bonus Status
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WSOP Redeem Codes Can Also Get You Chips
This is the third and the last method to get free chips to access all the WSOP games. There are many WSOP codes available on the internet that can help you to get some free chips. All you need is just search the Google and the sites from where you can get the WSOP promo codes will open and you can get some WSOP free chips codes easily. Here are some tips that can help you to claim these codes:
- These codes are case-insensitive means you can type in upper or lower cases and the chips will be multiplied
- The chips are multiplied according to the Status Bonus.
- When you are on the computer, it is best to just Copy and Paste the WSOP redeem code
How to Use WSOP Free Chips Code?
- Open the game and click or tap on “Get Chips” button
- On the bottom left of your computer screen, you will find a box to enter the redeem code. Enter the code there. And, if you are on the mobile app, then click on the “Redeem” button. A box will open. Just enter the code in the box.
- Now, click on the “Redeem Code” button and your chips will be multiplied by your status bonus.
Also Read : House Of Fun Free Coins
So, these are some ways that can help you to get free chips for World Series of Poker. First two methods are best to get but the third one is a bit difficult as compared to them. The reason is, when you will search for the WSOP redeem codes, many websites will open that contain plenty of redeem codes and out of those, there are very few that works.
Most of them will be the expired codes as websites do not remove the expired codes so early. So, you need to check all the code to get the working ones and doing so becomes a little bit time-consuming. But, if you still want to get redeem codes, search for codes that are new and updated.