How to Add Beautiful Event Timeline in WordPress


Have you ever wanted to add an event timeline on your site? Recently, one of our users wanted to display a vertical timeline of events that has an interactive experience. In this article, we will show you how to add beautiful event timeline in WordPress without changing your theme.

Timeline used in an infographic

When and Who Needs Timeline Posts in WordPress

As the name suggests, a timeline is a visual representation of time as a line.

In web design, it is often used to display a timeline of events with images, text, video and other form of content to provide a visually appealing and highly interactive user experience.

Preview of a timeline

Companies use timeline to display their historical information. Personal site owners can use it on their about pages or even for their blog page. If you run a travel or photography website, then you can display your photographs in a nice vertical timeline that shows your journey.

If you run an event website, then you can use the timeline to live blog your event or add posts about past events.

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How To Add a Timeline in WordPress

First thing you need to do is install and activate the Timeline Express plugin. Upon activation, you need to visit Timeline Express » Add New Announcement to add your first announcement or event.

Adding a new announcement or event in your timeline

Simply provide a title for the announcement or event, then select color, date and icon. Timeline express comes with beautiful Font Awesome icon font built-in.

Next, you can provide an announcement image which will be used as the banner. This image should be at least 650px wide or larger. Below that you will find the post editor where you can enter further details about the announcement. You can add images and videos as well.

Once you finish adding your announcement, you can publish it. Repeat the process to add a few more announcements.

Displaying Timeline on Your Website

After you have created a few announcements, it is time to display them on your website. Simply create a new page in WordPress and give it a suitable title. Add the shortcode [timeline-express] in the post editor and click on the publish button.

That’s all you can now visit the page to see the timeline in action.

We hope this article helped you add events timeline in WordPress. You may also want to see our guide on how to add Google calendar in WordPress.

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