How to Add Custom After Post Widgets in WordPress


Have you ever come across a website with a subscribe box after the end of their post? Or share buttons, signature, FTC disclosure, author bio, related posts, etc? In this article, we will show you how to add a widget area after your post content, so you can add any custom widgets that you like.

Widget areas also known as sidebars are sections in your WordPress theme where you can drag and drop any widget.

Usually these widget areas either appear in the sidebar or in the footer area. You can certainly register custom widget areas, but that would require tweaking with code.

Thankfully, there’s an easier way for beginners that doesn’t involve dealing with any codes.

Video Tutorial

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First thing you need to do is install and activate the Add Widget After Content plugin. Upon activation, simply visit the Appearance » Widgets screen, there you will see a new widget area called After Content.

After content widget area

Now all you need to do is simply drag and drop any widgets that you want to the After Content widget area.

Once you are done, you can visit any single post on your website to see the widgets below your post content.

This solution works with all custom theme frameworks such as Genesis, Thesis, Headway Themes, etc.

Most good sharing plugins, email list building plugins, author bio plugins, etc give their users an option to add their widgets after post without requiring you to use this solution.


If you do not want to display the widget area after a specific post, then you can turn it off.

Simply edit the post where you do not want to display the after post widgets. On the post edit screen, below the editor you will see the Widget After Content metabox. You can check the box next to Yes to disable the display of widget area after this particular post.

Disable after content widgets for specific posts

Styling After Content Widget Area

For this part, you will need some basic CSS skills. Since the display of widgets is handled by themes, and there are so many of them, it is not possible to provide a basic style that will work for all themes. So if the after content widgets appear messed up on your site, then you need to add some CSS to fix that.

The plugin adds an awac and awac-wrapper CSS classes to the widget area. You can use these classes to modify the appearance of widget area. Here is a little something we tried in Twenty Thirteen:

  .awac-wrapper {  margin: 0px auto;  width: 30%;  float: left;  padding: 10px;  }  

The code above allowed us to display our widgets in a grid format like this:

Styling after content widgets

We hope this article helped you add a widget area after posts in WordPress.

You may also want to check out our list of the most useful WordPress widgets for your site.

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