How to Add Custom Buttons with Post Editor Buttons in WordPress


When writing posts, have you ever found a need to add shortcodes or custom stylings? Is it something that you use often? If so, then you will like this article. We have available shortcodes, but sometimes its hard to explain it on a multi-author site. We looked around and found a fairly easy solution. Why don’t we just add custom buttons in our post editor. In this article, we will show you how to add custom buttons in WordPress with Post Editor Buttons.

Note: This trick only applies to the HTML mode of the editor.

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All you have to do is install and activate the plugin Post Editor Buttons Fork. Once activated simply go to Settings » Post Editor Buttons menu. There you can add as many buttons as possible.

This sample screenshot shows how we are adding a new button that will allow our users to easily insert the next page code.

Post Editor Buttons

Once you save the settings, you can see that the button is right here.

Post Editor Buttons Example

For making changes to the Visual Editor, you should consider using TinyMCE Advanced plugin which comes with a lot of options on its own.