How to Add Google Fonts in WordPress Post Editor


Fonts are one of the most important aspects of your WordPress blog, and in case you didn’t know Google has a library of about 300 webfonts that you can use on your WordPress site. Because they are hosted on Google’s servers they load quickly and they are also open source so you are free to use them as you wish. In this article we are going to show you how to easily access these fonts by using a plugin.

First thing you need to do is install and activate Supreme Google Webfonts Plugin for WordPress.

Once you have activated it, if you go to your post editor you will find an extra column at the top with a drop down list for choosing fonts.

Supreme Google Webfonts

You might notice that there is a second drop-down for choosing font-size as well. Also, if you are using WordPress multisite, don’t worry, the plugin can be activated on all of your blogs.

Download Supreme Google Webfonts for WordPress here.