How to Disable New User Notifications in WordPress


Recently one of our users asked us how they can stop receiving new user email notifications in WordPress. If you have enabled user registration on your site, then WordPress sends notification email to the admin email address every time a new user registers. On popular sites where several users join every day, these emails can become very annoying. If you have already taken care of spam registrations and do not wish to receive email notifications for each new user, then you might want to turn these notifications off. In this article, we will show you how to disable new user notifications in WordPress.

New user notification email

First thing you need to do is install and activate the Disable New User Notification Emails plugin. Upon activation, the plugin simply disables new user notification emails in WordPress. It works out of the box, and there are no settings for you to configure.

Note that this plugin does not affect any other emails sent by WordPress. For example, users registering on your site will still get their username and password in the email. They can also recover their accounts if they forget their usernames or passwords. The plugin only disables new user notification emails sent to the admin email address on your WordPress site. If for some reason your users are not getting emails from your website, then you should try setting up WordPress to use Gmail SMTP servers.

We hope this article helped you disable new user notification emails in WordPress. For feedback and questions you can leave us a comment below or join us on Twitter.