How to do Live Blogging in WordPress


Live blogging is rolling textual coverage of ongoing events within a single blog post or channel, very similar to live television or radio. Live blogging is being adapted by a lot of smaller and larger news oriented sites to broadcast live updates from technology conferences, sports events, or any other event related to their specific niches. There are numerous ways to live blog on the web. In this article, we will show you how to live blog in WordPress using your existing theme and a free plugin called Live Blogging.

Live Blogging plugin uses WordPress Custom Post Types to allow you to create micro blog entries in a stripped down version of the normal post edit screen. These micro blog entries then get included in a post which has been activated as the microblog. This plugin uses AJAX polling to allow your readers to instantly update what they are viewing, including any new comments posted on the post. This plugin also has the option to integrate with Twitter in which the first 139 characters of each live blog entry is posted to the twitter account. Using this plugin will give you an advantage over your competitors if you’re blogging from live events because your readers will get updates quicker, and it integrates into your blog better than other competing systems.

Enough boasting about the plugin. Lets get to real deal of installing the plugin and setting it up. The process is not very hard.

First, you need to install and activate the Live Blogging plugin. Use our step by step guide to installing a WordPress plugin if you need it.

Once installed, then simply watch the 2 minute screencast below which will show you how to work this plugin. Yup, it takes just 2 minutes to setup a live blog in WordPress.

Have fun live blogging. Get Live Blogging Plugin for WordPress