How to Easily Insert Amazon Affiliate Products in WordPress Posts


Sooner or later you will most likely want to post affiliate links from Amazon on your blog, considering the size of its popular affiliate program. In order to do this efficiently there are many plugins you can choose from but the most popular one is the Amazon Reloaded WordPress Plugin. This plugin makes it easy for you to include amazon affiliate products in WordPress posts without ever leaving your site.

To get started, download the Amazon Reloaded Plugin for WordPress.

Once you have activated the plugin, look under the “Settings” tab on your dashboard and select “Amazon Reloaded” from the dropdown menu. This will bring you to a setup page where you will want to enter your Amazon API Key (Access Key ID) and your Amazon Secret Key. If you don’t have these yet head over to Amazon Web Services and sign up for a FREE account (You don’t have to enter your Credit Card information to get the key). Also, if you have an Amazon Associates ID enter that as well along with the locale you want to search for items in.

Amazon Reloaded Setup

Once you have done this save your settings. Now whenever you go to the post edit page you will notice an option labeled “Amazon Reloaded” that allows you to search various indices by keyword and extract the links for your posts.

Amazon Reloaded Search

Download Amazon Reloaded for WordPress and ease up the process of adding amazon affiliate products in WordPress.