How to Float Your WordPress Admin Menu to Save Time


One of the things that Zain Balkhi complained about when we were designing our current WPBeginner design was that the WordPress admin menu doesn’t float. Which is why in our current design, we made sure that our menu scrolled with the user. Recently we got an email from Till Kruess notifying us about a plugin that he has created which allows you to float your WordPress admin menu.

First thing you need to do is install and activate the Floating Admin Menu plugin.

The plugin will activate itself. If the viewport (window size) is taller than the admin menu itself, then the WordPress admin menu will float. This will save you time from scrolling up to access the menu when you are on a long admin page. The floating can be disabled on a per user basis under profile settings.

Floating WordPress Admin Menu

It currently does not work on mobile devices and tablets.

To see the preview of this plugin and download it, visit the official repository page of Floating Admin Menu plugin.