How to Generate and Add QR Codes in WordPress


Marketers have been debating on whether QR codes are dying or still has value for quite some time. eMarketer stats show that 39% of US citizens between 18-24 have used QR scans in magazines, 38% in mail, 35% on posters, and 21% on websites. Recently one of our users asked us if it was possible for their local business to add a QR code on their site. In this article, we will show you how to generate and add QR Codes in WordPress.

QR Code abbreviated for Quick Response Code is a type of two dimensional matrix barcode. Since the arrival of barcode scanner apps in mobile phones, QR Codes have been utilized by many on websites, virtual stores, and online communities. A QR Code is usually an image with white background and black squares and dots in a square shape container. Businesses can use QR codes to offer exclusive discounts, show special offers and more.

If you want to add QR Codes in WordPress, then the first thing you need to do is to install and activate QR Code Generator plugin. Using the plugin is extremely simple. You can generate QR code inside your posts or pages using the shortcode like this:

[qrcode content="Your content goes here" size="150" alt="QrCode" class="qrcode" credit="FALSE"]

QRCode displayed inside a WordPress sidebar widget

In the above shortcode, the content you want to be encrypted in QR code goes inside the content parameter. For this example, we used image size of 150px, but you can define the size of the QR Code image as you want. Setting the credit parameter false will ensure that plugin author’s website link does not gets included in your QR code.

You can also use this shortcode inside a text widget in your sidebar. If QR Code does not appear in your text widget after using the shortcode, then make sure you have this line added in your theme’s functions.php file.

  add_filter('widget_text', 'do_shortcode');

QR Codes can allow mobile phone users to save URLs by scanning the QRCode. These barcode images can be used to convey information in less pixel area. You can use QRCodes to provide contact information, social profile IDs, addresses and many other type of content.

We hope that this article helped you add QR Codes on your WordPress site. What are your thoughts on QR Codes? Do you ever use the as a user? Does it make sense for you to put it on a website? Let us know by leaving a comment below.