How to Merge and Bulk Edit Categories and Tags in WordPress


Are you looking for a quick way to merge and bulk edit categories / tags in WordPress? After a while, most WordPress blogs need some spring cleaning. Sometimes this requires moving posts between categories and tags or merging similar categories and tags together. In this article, we will show you how to easily merge and bulk edit categories and tags in WordPress.

How to Merge and Bulk Edit Categories and Tags in WordPress

When Do You Need to Merge Categories and Tags in WordPress?

Many users are not aware of how to properly use categories and tags when starting a new WordPress blog.

After a while, they have too many categories or tags. Some of these categories are not active and tags with just a single post.

A lot of time, you may find that your categories or tags are too similar and can be filed under a single category or tag.

One way to solve this is by editing each post and reassign categories and tags. However, it will take too much time, and you may still miss some posts.

The easier solution is to bulk edit and merge categories / tags in WordPress.

Merge and Bulk Edit Categories and Tags in WordPress

First thing you need to do is install and activate the Term Management Tools plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you need to visit Posts » Categories page and click on the ‘Bulk actions’ dropdown menu.

Bulk actions for categories and tags

You will see new bulk actions added to the interface. Here are the things you can do with these bulk actions.

You can merge categories, tags, or terms in a custom taxonomy.

Merge categories, tags, or terms in custom taxonomies

You can move all terms from one taxonomy to another. For example, you can move all your categories to tags.

Change taxonomy

You can quickly assign a parent category to multiple categories.

Set parent category to multiple categories

Categories and tags help you organize content on your website. This help users easily locate the content they want to view. Properly using categories and tags is also good for boosting your search engine rankings.

We recommend that you go through the process of category / tag clean up every year to keep your site organized.

We hope this article helped you easily merge and bulk edit categories and tags in WordPress. You may also want to see our step by step WordPress SEO guide for beginners.

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