How to Track Site or Network-wide User Activity in WordPress


Have you ever managed a multi-author blog or a network of blogs? Things can get chaotic when there are that many users making changes. Yes, WordPress post drafts keep records of who changed what, but it is really hard for an administrator to keep track of all of these activities. We ran into this problem recently, so we looked around to find a solution. And you know when they say “There’s a Plugin for That”, yup there is. In this article, we will show you how you can track and display site or network-wide user activity in WordPress.

We will do this using a free plugin called ThreeWP Activity Monitor. The plugin displays the following activity to the administrators:

  • Logins (successful and failed)
  • Retrieved and reset passwords
  • Posts/pages created, updated, trashed, untrashed and deleted
  • Comments approved, trashed, spammed, unspammed, trashed, untrashed and deleted
  • Changed passwords
  • Changed user info
  • User registrations
  • User deletions
  • Custom activities from other plugins

It also keeps track of the latest login times and displays a column in the user overviews. Once you install and activate it, a new option will be added under the Dashboard tab.

ThreeWP Activity Monitor

This is also a good plugin for the security of your blog because you can monitor if anything unusual happens.

Get ThreeWP Activity Monitor