Lucky Winners of Mojo Themes Anniversary Bundle ($442 Value)


We were running a giveaway for Mojo Themes Anniversary Bundle. Even though it is a limited time (7 day) long bundle, our friends over at Mojo Themes kindly agreed to giveaway 3 free copies to our users. The bundle includes $442 value of WordPress goodies (10 WordPress themes and 2 WordPress plugins, including the Mobile Detector plugin).

The giveaway was twitter-exclusive where users were required to tweet about the contest and post a comment with their twitter link. Last requirement was that they must follow @wpbeginner on twitter, so we could notify them via Direct Message.

Winners were selected randomly. Each entry was assigned a number, and the lucky winners received our Direct messages.



There were a lot of entries and limited prize. This bundle is a really HOT deal, and it will only last for 3 more days. If you haven’t grabbed a copy right now, then we highly recommend you to do so. It is too good of a deal to pass by.

Get Your Copy of Mojo Themes Anniversary Bundle