MP6 – Could This Be the Future of WordPress Admin User Interface?


The User Interface team at WordPress has recently presented a new but secret idea about how the admin interface can be reshaped. They shared this idea in the form of a plugin which is code-named MP6. The goal of MP6 is to rethink the WordPress user interface by simplifying it. In the very early stages of this plugin, all you can see is the change in the design and color scheme. There hasn’t been much simplification in terms of features and the way they are displayed. However, we are already digging the new color scheme and fonts. This could be the future of WordPress admin user interface.

If you want to try MP6 on your site, then the first thing you need to do is to install and activate the MP6 plugin. Upon activation, it will the change user interface for your WordPress admin area.

First thing you would notice is the treatment of the admin sidebar and navigation bar. MP6 uses darker background colors and the same color for both bars, which allows sidebar and navbar to merge together. It also replaces menu icons and uses flattened icons.

WordPress Admin User Interface in MP6

It uses blue instead of dark gray to highlight the currently active tab. The hover color for menu items is also changed to blue from orange. This color treatment makes user interface look more modern.

Admin User Interface Colors in MP6

It changes the background color of admin pages from white to gray and uses Open Sans font.

Background color of admin pages is changed from white to grey

Post edit area looks like this in MP6. This look is more compact, clean, and exciting.

User Interface for post edit area in MP6

Remember MP6 is released as a testing ground for new user interface ideas for WordPress admin area. It will change frequently and things may look different than the screenshots above by the time you test this plugin. What did you liked or disliked in this user interface iteration? What would you like to see in the future? Let us know by leaving a comment below.