Recently one of our users asked us for an easy way of installing WordPress in their native language. There is a manual way that requires you to make edits to your wp-config.php file which may not be the most ideal solution for beginners. That is when WP Native Dashboard plugin comes for the rescue. This plugin enables selection of administration language either by logon, dashboard quick switcher or user profile setting page.
Why this solution is better than the manual way? Because it allows your editors/team to pick which language they want to see things in. It also allows third party contractors (freelancers) that you may hire to easily go in and make changes without language barriers.
First thing you need to do is install and activate WP Native Dashboard plugin. Follow our step by step guide to install a WordPress plugin.
Once you have activated the plugin, then a new menu option should be added under the Settings Tab called Native Dashboard (Settings » Native Dashboard). Once you click on this page, you should see bunch of options including the ability to add multiple languages, and choose the capabilities.
Once you download the languages you want, and you have the capabilities selected like the screenshot above, then the language switcher will be added on the login screen, user profile, and the admin bar. Below is the screenshot of user’s profile edit screen where each individual user can pick their language preference.
This plugin also adds a select box on the login page.
Get WP Native Dashboard plugin now.