Platform Pro 1.3 – New Tools To Revolutionize Your Workflow
The folks over at Pagelines have announced the release of their version 1.3.1 for the popular framework Platform Pro. For those who don’t know, Platform is a Drag & Drop Theme Framework that lets you build custom websites in seconds with drag & drop layout and content. There is a draggable layout builder that lets you pick the layout on a page-by-page basis, so it is really easy to build websites.
What’s New in PlatformPro 1.3?
There are about 20 new features in this release, but the most important ones are listed below:
Web Typography Tool
This new Typography tool has direct integration with the Google Font API which gives you tons more web safe font options. From this tool, you can choose from over 50 font options; select font wegiht, styling, spacing, variant, and transform properties; you also get to preview your custom typefaces live, using the live preview pane. This method is really easy which does all the CSS work for you.
Previously in PlatformPro a lot of meta option control was through individual posts and pages. This type of control is great, but it became a pain to manage it all. This is why they are adding this new MetaPanel interface which combines all options into one panel to make it easier for you to work.
Secondary and Brand Navigation
Previously, there was only one navigation section. Now with the secondary navigation, you can select a custom menu on each page or post to use as your sub navigation. This is really good for creating landing pages etc. The BrandNav is a new location that allows you to display navigation inline with the logo. This is something that Genesis lets you do through the Header Widgets. Good addition for Platform as well
One of the best part about PlatformPro is that it comes pre-built with bbPress and BuddyPress Integration, so you can run a forum site or a Network using BuddyPress that all has a matching theme.