Underground Online Seminar 6


This past week Syed was given an opportunity to attend Yanik Silver’s Underground Online Seminar 6 as one of the Young Moguls. This event brings together the top online marketers in the industry. The event was held at Gaylord Convention Center in National Harbor, Maryland. The speakers shared a lot of valuable information, but unfortunately we cannot share it on the site. Every attendee had to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). Some speakers got the cameras to be turned off, that is how important some of the strategies were.

Yanik is all about fun and entertainment. His childish tricks gives the conference a new life. This year’s theme at the conference was Get Smart. There were Agent 99 and many other agents walking around. The stage was awesome. Each speaker had one of a kind entrance. Yanik organized a casino for us the first night where we gambled with (fake money). The person who made the most profit got prizes. There was a big scavenger hunt the next day, and a lot of opportunities to network. This event was not one of the conferences that you attend in the day, and then leave to come to the hotel room. Everything was very hands on and it was a great experience over all.

Check out some of Syed’s pictures with the people he met.

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A lot of these people are young moguls as well who got selected to be the scholarship winners. Each young entrepreneur was behind a project that has made an impact in the industry. The age limit to qualify was between 13 – 23. The youngest attendee was 17 years old. It was a great feeling seeing so many smart minds at one place.

There were some very famous names that attended this conference. Some of these celebrities can be seen in the pictures. Gary Vaynerchuk, Neil Patel, Jeremy (Shoemoney) Schoemaker, Matt Mickiewicz (Founder of Sitepoint, 99designs, and Flippa Marketplace), and many others.

First of all, we would like to thank Yanik Silver and Michael Dunlop for selecting Syed as one of the Young Mogul. Next we want to send a shout out for Todd from BuySellAds and Peter from Romow Web Directory for stepping up and sponsoring this trip for Syed.

If you notice in the pictures, Syed was wearing the shirts for BuySellAds and Romow. He also gave out shirts for each of these companies. This was a great branding opportunity that you can take advantage of also. We will be attending various conferences through out the year. If you are interested in sponsoring our trips, use our Contact form and we can work out the details.

More about This Trip’s Sponsors:


BuySellAds is a huge marketplace to buy/sell advertising spots on your site. Over 750 successful bloggers use them to power their online ad sales. WPBeginner is also using BSA to maintain our ads. It is also a great place for advertisers. Over 1,000 quality advertisers use BSA to target the audiences that are right for their brand. If you are interested, apply to be in their marketplace now.

Romow Web Directory

Romow is one of the popular web directories that have been around since 2006. Romow gets over 650,000 page views per month, and it has over 570,000+ inlinks according to Yahoo site explorer. Syed has known Peter since 2006, and we have done business with them on numerous occasions. Make sure you go submit your site to this web directory.