Video: Hands on with Headway 3.0 Beta (Truly Amazed)


Yesterday, Grant Griffiths from Headway told us about their newest beta release, and he asked us to take a look. We are truly amazed with what Headway is on to. The grid system is freaking amazing. This will really empower beginners to create custom WordPress themes using a visual editor. A truly code-free process. There is also a powerful child themes API in the work which will allow third party child theme developers to allow visual hooks within their themes, so users can use a pre-built child theme and customize it. Check out Syed playing with the Headway 3.0 Beta.

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P.S. The pricing structure right now is at the forever plan. We highly recommend that you get grandfathered in while you can because they will be shifting to annual updates/support model.

Use the coupon “wpbeginner” to get additional 20% off your Headway Purchase.

As a note so you don’t get confused: Not everyone has the access to play with the Beta just yet. If you buy the personal option, then you won’t have the ability to see this beta version. The beta is limited for Developer purchase ONLY. But the 3.0 release will be available to everyone! This is a sold investment for future.

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