We are attending / Speaking at WordCamp Raleigh 2011


For the second straight year, Syed and Amanda will be representing WPBeginner at WordCamp Raleigh. Syed is also speaking in the Power Users track about speeding up WordPress. For those of you who have seen the presentation already, well its not going to be the same one AGAIN. There are new techniques that we have discovered which will be added in the presentation.

The event is being held on May 21 – 22 in Raleigh, North Carolina. If you live in the area or in a state nearby, then make sure you attend. WordCamps are great for networking with people who are in your niche. You can also learn a lot about WordPress in these events from the mastermind speakers and other members attending. It is also a great place for beginners because you can ask your questions live and probably have the person fix it there for you.

For business owners, you can network and meet your potential clients. If you are a designer/developer/marketer, then this event is for you. Not only will you learn more from other speakers, but you will also get to meet with other people in the community who can use your service. We have gotten a lot of exposure from these WordCamps.

Check out the full list of SPEAKERS. Yup, these are all amazing folks.

What are you waiting for, join us at the event. If you want to meetup, then simply send a tweet.

P.S, we would not be able to make this trip if it wasn’t for our amazing sponsor.


Open Source Training teaches people how to use Joomla, Drupal and WordPress.

If you are interested in sponsoring our trip to events, then please contact us. We attend at least one WordCamp or blogging event per month.