WordCamp Birmingham 2010 (Overview)


This past weekend, Syed Balkhi (@syedbalkhi) from WPBeginner was attending WordCamp Birmingham. After arriving in town, Friday Afternoon, he had dinner with Tammy Hart (@tammyhart) and her family. She is an amazing person; an Automattic Certified WordPress Consultant; a person who really knows how to Freelance with WordPress. The event started on Saturday morning at University of Alabama where Syed Balkhi kicked off the Developer session with his presentation: How to Speed up WordPress and Boost Site Performance.

You should consider following our Slideshare account, so you never miss any presentations.

There were some amazing people there from the WordPress community. Few that stood out were: Andrew Nacin (@nacin), one of the WordPress core contributor. Samuel Woods (@otto42), the guy behind Simple Facebook Connect Plugin, Simple Twitter Connect and more. Mitch Canter (@studionashvegas) a very well reputed WordPress developer. Dougal Campbell (@dougal) one of the three most important people in WordPress history in Matt Mullenweg’s list.

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All the Photos from WordCamp Birmingham 2010

This trip was kindly sponsored by MaxCDN. They gave us awesome T-Shirts and an exclusive 50% off Coupon “wcbhm10” which you should use right now.