WordCamp Fayetteville 2010 (Overview)


This past weekend, Syed Balkhi (@syedbalkhi) took a trip to our sixth WordCamp attended by the WPBeginner team. This WordCamp was located in Fayetteville, Arkansas. The first night Syed attended the official speaker’s dinner along with Mitch Canter (@studionashvegas), Tammy Hart (@tammyhart), Christopher Spencer (@cspencer75), and others. After the dinner, he headed to the official tweetup in the Fayetteville area.

Bright and early Saturday, he arrived at the city town center (conference location) to check in and meet with the organizer of the event, Christopher Spencer (@cspencer75). He attended numerous sessions including WordPress 3.0 overview, Customizing Themes, Analytics in WordPress and others. Syed also gave a 90 minute presentation: The Holy Grail of Blogging.

Syed’s Presentation

I’ve Got a Blog, Now What Do I Do?
After the event, Syed went to dinner with a lot of amazing folks from the WordCamp. One of these interesting attendees is Stephanie Leary (@sleary), the author of “Beginning WordPress 3“, a book which will come out soon. Once the day was over, there was an awesome after party at the New Design School (@newdesignschool).

The next morning, there was a Guru Gallery at the New Design School. Mitch gave a mini presentation about using WordPress as a membership site. Then Syed along with Tammy Hart and numerous other attendees enjoyed talking about WordPress. Sonia at the New Design School was very kind to get us Veggie burgers.

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Now that he is back in Florida, we are looking forward to our next WordCamp. We would like to thank the organizers, the sponsors, and the town of Fayetteville for treating us to a fantastic Wordcamp!