WordCamp New York City 2009


WordPress community in New York is organizing a great meetup for WordPress users. This event will be held on November 14 – 15, 2009 at Baruch College of the City University of New York. Our founder Syed Balkhi will be attending the conference, so if you see him do not forget to stop by and have a chat. (Here is a picture for those who don’t know him).

At the time of writing this post, there are a total of 238 registered attendees. These are WordPress users on all levels: beginners, developers, new developers, bloggers and more. This event will have many speakers including Matt Mullenweg, the founder of WordPress.

This wonderful event and chance of networking comes at a small price of $40 for both day pass. It is a great opportunity and if you are in the area then you should join us. People are flying over from many places.

To get your tickets, head over to the Registration Page.

WordCamp New York 2009