WordPress 3.0 – Thelonious Features (Video)


Most hyped up WordPress 3.0 has been officially released. WordPress 3.0 is one of the thirteenth major release of WordPress open-source platform. Along with some of the most impressive features, this release also fixed 1217 bugs. Some of our favorite features include: Twenty Ten Theme, Advanced Menus, Custom Post Types, and ability to upgrade multiple plugins from the plugins page. To see other features, you can watch the video below:

After watching this video, you should have already start upgrading your WordPress. Make sure to see the Ultimate Guide to Upgrading WordPress for Beginners

Check out some of our awesome WordPress 3.0 tutorials to use the features:

How to use Custom Post Types (Video)
How to add Custom Navigation Menus in WordPress 3.0 Themes
How to Enable Custom Header Images Panel in WordPress 3.0
How to Enable Custom Backgrounds in WordPress 3.0 Themes
How to Enable BuddyPress in WordPress 3.0
How to Enable Multi-Site Option in WordPress 3.0