WordPress 3.2 Gershwin – Features, Screenshots, and Live Demo


On July 4th, the independence day of United States of America, Matt Mullenweg announced the release of the most anticipated WordPress 3.2 which was named after George Gershwin. You all should have already upgraded by now, but for those of you who were enjoying the BBQ with the family or busy in general, this would be a good time to upgrade. Don’t forget to follow our ultimate guide to upgrading WordPress.

We have already written about the features and screenshots of WordPress 3.2. You can also check out the live demo of WordPress 3.2 on our demo site.

You can also check out the official release video of WordPress 3.2 Gershwin.

Don’t forget to answer the survey of which feature of WordPresss 3.2 you like the most on our Facebook Fan Page.