WordPress 3.5.2 – Maintenance and Security Release


It’s Friday and work day is almost over here on the East coast of U.S, but we are still here updating all of our WordPress sites as we write this. The WordPress team have released WordPress 3.5.2, maintenance and security update. In this release, the WordPress security team resolved seven security issues, and added additional security hardening. We strongly recommend that you upgrade your WordPress sites right away.

The security fixes in WordPress 3.5.2 includes:

  • Blocking server-side request forgery attacks, which could potentially enable an attacker to gain access to a site.
  • Disallow contributors from improperly publishing posts or reassigning the post’s authorship.
  • An update to the SWFUpload external library to fix cross-site scripting vulnerabilities.
  • Prevention of a denial of service attack, affecting sites using password-protected posts.
  • An update to an external TinyMCE library to fix a cross-site scripting vulnerability.
  • Multiple fixes for cross-site scripting.
  • Avoid disclosing a full file path when a upload fails.

Upgrade to WordPress 3.5.2. Go to your Dashboard » Updates and do it with 1 click.