WordPress Status Dashboard – A Dream Come True
As WordPress consultant and developers, we at Uzzz Productions have numerous clients. With security updates on WordPress and WordPress plugins, we need to make sure that each of our client’s site is secure and running the most up to date version of the software. Well it is easy to manage just the WordPress upgrades because every single client is using WordPress, so when a new upgrade comes out, we know that we need to update all of them. But every client is using different plugins, and it is impossible to keep track of all plugin upgrades when you have a good number of clients. Wouldn’t it be nice to have one dashboard that keeps track of all of your client’s upgrades. So instead of checking each client individually, you can just load this dashboard and see what needs updated. Well that’s a dream which have come true thanks to Mindcork. They have built a PHP application called WordPress Status Dashboard that lets you stay updated on the status of your websites or your client’s websites. These stats include Indexing Status, WordPress version, and active plugin updates.
Yes it is exciting, it works, and it is GREAT. It is truly a dream come true. Most importantly it works with Multi-Site installs as well!
Note: This application is for users who are somewhat familiar with phpMyAdmin interface. (Not for Total Beginners).
WordPress Status Dashboard costs $20 over at CodeCanyon, but it is worth every single penny because it saves us tons of time is now Open Source so it is free. Like most of our plugin reviews, we will walk you through the installation of this PHP application as well.
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Installing WordPress Status Dashboard
First thing you need to do is purchase install WordPress Status Dashboard. Then you need to setup a sub-domain, something like (dashboard.domain.com).
Second, you’ll need to create a database from which the WP Status Dashboard runs from. If you are unsure of how to do this, contact your hosting provider and they should be able to help you. Then refer to your MySQL folder (specifically the .sql file that is in it) that is part of the zip file that you downloaded. Go inside your phpMyAdmin and import the SQL file. This will setup the proper table structure for the database you just created.
Third, you need to edit the config.php file located within the WPSD v1.2 folder (/includes/config.php). You need to edit the appropriate information such as the database username, user and password. You will also create your WordPress Status Dashboard username and password in this file (the credentials required to see the status dashboard). You also want to make sure that you change that security key to something custom for your clients only. This will prevent from everyone else accessing your client’s information.
Fourth, Just upload all the files to the subdomain that you created. Once you have done this, when you load your subdomain, it should show a login screen like this:
Just use the username and password that you created in the config file to gain access to the status dashboard.
Congratulations, you have setup the status dashboard. Now you need to make use of it by adding your client’s site in it.
How to Make Use of WordPress Status Dashboard
Well, the #1 use of WordPress Status Dashboard is that it brings all of your client’s WordPress site inside this one dashboard. But to do so, it needs to somehow connect to your client’s WordPress site. Well Justin and Dave thought of this already and created a free plugin called WP Status Dashboard which is available in the repository. You need to install this plugin, and then add the security key to it (this is the same security key that you setup in step 3 of the installation above).
Once you have entered the settings, click Save, and you are now ready to add this client to your dashboard. Come back to your dashboard which is your subdomain, and add the client.
All you have to do is enter the Client name (this is whatever you want), and then their WordPress site url. Make sure that you use http:// in the url. Once you enter the information, and click Add Client button, the script will do the rest. You will begin to see your client’s site information in your status dashboard.
As you can see, if you are a problogger who has numerous blogs that you want to stay updated with, or a consultant that has a handful of clients, or a development firm with tons of clients, this is a plugin that you need. It is important that you understand that WordPress Status Dashboard is a PHP Application that works with a WordPress plugin created by the same author. It costs $20, but if you try to get something similar created, it would cost thousands.
Get WordPress Status Dashboard Now to save your time and get peace of mind.