WPBeginner will be attending WordCamp Louisville 2010


It is official that our founder, Syed Balkhi, will be attending and speaking at WordCamp Louisville 2010. Thanks to the awesome folks over at MaxCDN for stepping up and sponsoring his trip. The event is being held at University of Louisville Shelby Campus on December 4th, 2010. This event contains 3 tracks, 10 hours each making it a 30 hour day full of WordPress resources.

If you live in the area or in a state nearby, then make sure you attend. WordCamps are great for networking with people who are in the same field as you. You can also learn a lot about WordPress in these events from the mastermind speakers and other members attending. It is a great place for beginners because you can ask your questions at the Genius Bar and probably have the person fix your problem right there for you. Syed will be volunteering at the Genius Bar as well.

For business owners and local developers, you can network and meet your potential clients. If you are a designer/developer/marketer, then this event is for you. Not only will you learn more from other speakers, but you will also get to meet with other awesome people in the community who can use your service. We have made some very good friends by attending numerous WordCamps across the nation.

Some of the awesome speakers that will be speaking are:

Syed Balkhi, founder of WPBeginner. He will be talking about speeding up WordPress and increase site performance.
Tammy Hart, a very reputable WordPress designer and developer will be speaking about Custom Post Types & Taxonomies and Designing for WordPress.
Mitch Canter, another very well known WordPress developer will be speaking on How to Make Your WP Blog Do Damn Near Anything.
Ryan Imel, founder of WPCandy, is another awesome guy to know in the WordPress community. He will be speaking on topics “Using WP as a CMS” and “Understanding WP Multisite”.

There is obviously a lot of other speakers that will be speaking on various topics that will help you improve your WordPress sites/blogs. The ticket to the event costs only $20. So we recommend that you Register right now. Most blogging events costs thousands to attend, but it is often these WordCamps that are most valuable.

Once again, we want to thank MaxCDN for sponsoring this trip for us. Without their support, Syed would not be able to attend this event. Because these are community events, speakers do not get paid. So we go out there to help the community without any monetary incentives. If you want to support WPBeginner’s trips to WordCamps, please get in touch by using our contact form.


MaxCDN – Accelerate your Site to the Max

MaxCDN is a Content Delivery Network of highly-optimized servers all around the world working together to distribute your content (CSS and Javascript files, downloadable objects, applications, real-time media streams, and much more) through hundreds of servers instead of a single host. This “smart route” technology makes sure each visitor to your site gets their data from the city closest to them thus increasing site performance dramatically. (Check out how to use MaxCDN in WordPress)