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Blogging from the Heart (but Smart)

Darren Rowse made an interesting point in his presentation. Bloggers typically fall into two categories. The first group tends to really pour themselves into their blogs. They only have one or two to which they are completely dedicated. The…

Fake is the New Authentic

Jay Dolan make some good points in his presentation on authenticity. He started by acknowledging that being afraid to put yourself out there is normal. For anyone who has ever had a blog they know that it can be extremely nerve wrecking the…

Lucky Winners for BlogWorld Expo LA 2011

If you guys don’t know already, Syed Balkhi from WPBeginner will be speaking at BlogWorld Expo LA. We were able to get some free blogworld passes to giveaway to our users. In the contest, we required users to retweet about the contest…

Get A Free Pass to BlogWorld Expo LA 2011

BlogWorld Expo is coming to LA, and for the third time in the row we will be attending. What’s even better is that we have passes to giveaway. The conference is scheduled for November 3-5 at Los Angeles Convention Center. BlogWorld is…