Change the Footer in Your WordPress Admin Panel


There are times when you want others to know that you designed the specific WordPress theme. So you would put a credential link in the WordPress footer. But if you want to take it even further, you can modify the WordPress Admin panel footer. This simple hack is an extra perk that theme designers can add for their clients or in their free themes (like many plugin authors do).

This is how the default footer in WordPress admin area looks like:

Default footer in WordPress admin area

This can be changed and you can add some useful links to be displayed in footer.

To accomplish this trick, simply open your theme’s functions.php file and paste the following code:

  function remove_footer_admin () {    echo 'Fueled by <a href="" target="_blank">WordPress</a> | Designed by <a href="" target="_blank">Uzzz Productions</a> | WordPress Tutorials: <a href="" target="_blank">WPBeginner</a></p>';    }    add_filter('admin_footer_text', 'remove_footer_admin');

You will need to edit the code to echo your own links or anything that you want to add here.

We always leave credit for WordPress, no matter how customize our admin panel is it wasn’t possible without WordPress. You should follow the same practice to increase awareness about WordPress.

Here is how the end result would look like:

Custom WordPress admin area footer

We hope this article helped you changed the footer in WordPress admin area. You may also want to see our guide on how to hide unnecessary items from WordPress admin with Adminimize

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Source: WPRecipes