How to create a viral campaign within Facebook? Affiliate Summit West 2011


Facebook Rocks. It Kicks Ass, and we as bloggers need to understand it. It is the LARGEST Social Media Network, and if your audience is people, then you need to be utilizing Facebook. At affiliate summit, I attended a session called “Beyond the Like Button”, but it really was not beyond the like button. Rather it was more so about the Like Button, and how they used it to create viral campaigns.

When we first implemented the like button in WPBeginner, shortly after it surpassed twitter to be the second highest referral source to WPBeginner after Google. Facebook is one of the easiest network to get things Viral specially with the Like Button because all like button links are direct link to your site. Also every time a person like your site, all of their friends see that in their feed. So more people are tend to like the article.

The best facebook campaigns need LOV (pronounced Love).

L = Loyalty
O = Opportunity for New Customers
V = Validation from existing client

You need to have the three to make your campaign go viral.

Why Like Buttons?

  1. Like button can be applied to anything, from brands to content to products.
  2. By configuring the like button to show friends’ faces and by placing the button near engaging content (not off on its own), you can expect click-through rates to improve by three to give times.
  3. One last Plug: we have seen visitors are more engaged and stay longer when their real identity and real friends are driving the experience through social plugins.

By the way, I have talked about this numerous times on our Newsletter.

We have a tutorial on How to Add the Facebook Like Button in WordPress

Another Excellent Tutorial to Utilize the Power of Facebook and WordPress

My Slideshare Presentation about Facebook and WordPress

Thanks to the Sponsors

Two awesome companies sponsored my trip here.


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