Our Christmas Present (Tassimo BrewBot) Winner is…


WPBeginner has a huge audience, thanks to all your support, but our pockets are limited so we could not give a present to everyone on Christmas. But the nice people at Tassimo sent us a Christmas present and informed us that we can give one of their cool brewbots away as well. See our Tassimo review post. We had to make the present limited to U.S. only residents as it was part of a shipping requirement. So we asked all of our users to tweet about the giveaway. We recently got done going through all tweets and assigning each a numerical value. After running it through Random.org, we have picked a winner.

Our winner is twitter user @designcoyote from Austin, TX. (A Direct Message was been sent to her, and she was very quick in responding).

She will get a Tassimo T20 Brewbot System.

So what the heck is a Tassimo T20 Brewbot?

At first, we thought it would look something like this:

Well don’t blame us! The name is Brewbot, so as geeky as we are that was an accurate representation. But it did not look like that when we opened the box. Rather it was a very cool little Home Brewing System like this:

In short, Tassimo is a pod-based hot drink maker because it can make Regular Coffee, Cappuccino, Latte, Hot Chocolate, Chai Tea etc. Basically how it works is that you enter a T-Disc, a cute name for pods, and press the big button. This machine simply reads the bar-code and knows what to make. The ease of use of Tassimo is probably the best part about this machine. Because all you do is insert the T-Disc, and press go. Granted that you have already filled up water in the tank, you should have your cup of hot drink in about a minute (that’s fast). Tassimo folks sent us two sample packages out of which one was a Starbucks Cappuccino. The quality of the coffee was just as good as the one that you get at store, and if you look at the price compared to the store, it is significantly cheaper. Well at least the first 8 cups were free, but you can get a cup of Starbucks cappuccino for roughly $1.28, or you can get a generic cappucino that is pretty good itself for $0.75 / disc. Yup, if you are a hopeless Starbucks addict like us, you have a new expense. (P.S. We wish Santa sends us more Starbucks Cappuccino Primo Discs)…. Anyone that does sent us these discs will get a Twitter mention from our account (DM us for address)

The second best part about Tassimo is it’s ability to clean itself. They provide a cleaning disc that has it’s own barcode (this one is reusable), and the machine will automatically rinse itself with hot water and sterilize itself. No Mess, No nothing. Its a plug and play game.

Check our Video of using Tassimo

We want to thank Tassimo and Lara Kulpa (@larakulpa) for giving us this opportunity to run this giveaway.

Sorry for everyone who didn’t win. If you really want it, you can buy it at a discounted price of $25 off – http://bit.ly/Tassimo25

To make it up to you, we will still have awesome FREE content coming for you this month, and that is a Christmas present in itself.