WPBeginner and Blog World Expo 2010 (Day 1)


To all WPBeginner users, and other bloggers attending Blog World Expo 2010, we want to welcome you to Blog World Expo. If you are not attending Blog World Expo 2010, you will be seeing a lot of posts and tweets from our account covering the event. We will do our best to bring the best of the day’s sessions to you guys. The first day is also being called Problogger’s Workshop Day where Darren Rowse, Chris Garrett and other experts will be covering a lot of awesome topics in their session.

Below is the somewhat official schedule of which Syed Balkhi will be attending on today, Thursday October 14th, 2010.

KeyNote: Standup, Stand Out, Stand Together
Using Analytics to Listen to your Customers
Finding Readers for your Blog
Social Luncheon
Building Community on your Blog
Making Money from your Blog (or) WordPress 3.0: What’s New and How you can Leverage IT
Blog Worlds After Party (Depending on the work load)

We will be more than happy to answer everyone’s question about WordPress and how to use it if you are there. The hashtag for the event is #bwe10 and you can follow it as well to keep up with it on twitter.


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ContactMe is the easiest way to organize and grow your business/blog. You can create contact forms and utilize all the tools that they have to offer to stay updated with all leads and potentially converting them into clients.

Aviva Web Directory

Aviva Web Directory is one of the most prestigious web directories on the world wide web. It has been on the web since 2005 and has thousands of websites listed in it. Jeff was kind enough to be one of our daily sponsors. He is also giving $25 off on any listing price if you use the coupon “wpbeginner”. Get your site listed in their for SEO benefits.

Headway Themes

Headway is much more than a WordPress theme. It is a system for do-it-yourself-ers and developers to create sites with simple drag and drop. You can create your very own custom WordPress theme in just a few minutes by simply clicking, dragging, and dropping. It is one of the most popular framework for WordPress themes. Grant was kind enough to give WPBeginner users a 20% off coupon. Simply use the coupon “wpbeginner“.

StudioPress WordPress Themes

Formerly known as the famous Revolution Themes, StudioPress has always strived for excellence and produced high quality themes. It is one of the most popular theme provider.

We hope to see you at the event. Stay updated with the blog as we will have more posts about the Blog World Expo in the near future.