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7 Harsh Realities of Blogging for Bucks

Below are some key points from the presentation of Sonia Simone, Brian Clark, and Darren Rowse at Blog World Expo. 1) Free is not a business model. Your free content is only an attractor. Once you attract people and have attention…

31 Days to Build a Better Blog

31 Days to Build a Better Blog is an ebook by a good friend and mentor of ours Darren Rowse (who is known for his popular blog ProBlogger). Recently we have been getting a lot of emails for book recommendations, and we realized that we…

WPBeginner and Blog World Expo 2010 (Day 1)

To all WPBeginner users, and other bloggers attending Blog World Expo 2010, we want to welcome you to Blog World Expo. If you are not attending Blog World Expo 2010, you will be seeing a lot of posts and tweets from our account covering the…