Best WordPress Tutorials of 2009


2009 has been a great year. It was the year this site was formed, it is the very same year that WordPress 2.9 was launched. During the year, many helpful articles were written on this site. In this article we will be highlighting Best of Best WordPress Tutorials of 2009.


The articles in this category are for those users who have not yet started with WordPress. The resources below will be a great help in terms of getting started.

Why use WordPress – This article will highlight some of the best features of WordPress.

Tips and Tools to Pick the Best Domain for Your Blog – When starting up, this article will be a good resource for beginners in terms of finding the right domain for their site.

Choosing the Best Web Host for Your Blog – This article lists few good WordPress web hosts as well as tell you what you need to look in a web host.

How to Install WordPress on Your Site – A simple tutorial that will guide you through the installation process.

Selecting a Perfect Theme for WordPress – A guide on how to pick the perfect theme.

Recommended Plugins for WordPress – Few recommended plugins that will enhance your WordPress experience.

Publishing Your Blog to the World – Once you have setup your blog, how will you get it out to the world.

15 Unconventional Uses of WordPress in Action – WordPress is not just a Blog. You can use it in many other ways as well.

WordPress Beginners

These articles are for new users who just started using WordPress.

How to Add a New Post and Utilize all features – This article will show you how to write a post, and some features that might be helpful.

How to Add Categories and Subcategories to WordPress – Another Admin Panel tutorial showing how to add categories and subcategories.

21 Most Useful Time Saving WordPress Shortcuts – Essential shortcuts that you must know in order to speed up your blogging process.

How to Remove Visual Editor mode in WordPress – This tutorial will show you how you can get rid of the visual editor mode in WordPress.

How to rename the Uncategorized Category – Every post that you write and did not associated a category with, goes in Uncategorized category, but you can change it to something more user friendly like “Other”.

How to Schedule your Posts in WordPress – Are you going away for a vacation? Pre-write your articles and use this feature to schedule them, so they can auto publish.

Ultimate Guide to Upgrade WordPress [Infograph] – Upgrading WordPress is essential for site security.

12 Vital Tips to Combat Comment Spam in WordPress – Use these tips and tools to your advantage and reduce SPAM.

How to Make a WordPress Database Backup – Keep backups to your site for security reasons.

18 Useful Tricks to Speed Up WordPress and Boost Site Performance – Simple things that you can do with your site that will increase site performance.

WordPress World Map – Since you have started using WordPress, you are now part of the community. Tag yourself.

13 Vital Tips and Hacks to Protect WordPress Admin Area

New Theme Designers

WordPress Theme Cheat Sheet for Beginners – Must know before you take any further steps into WordPress Theme development.

Installing WordPress on a Local Server – Testing online can be tedious sometimes because a lot of time is wasted in uploading. Installing a local server is fast, easy, and does not require internet connection.

Moving a WordPress Installation from a Local server to a Live Site – Once development is over, you may transfer the site from a local server to a live site.

Create a Custom Page in WordPress – One of the most essential tutorial for your theme developing process.

Create a Custom Homepage in WordPress – One of the most desired tutorial by new theme designers.

How to Create an Archives page in WordPress – Few useful snippets for your Archives Page.

10 Most Wanted Category Hacks and Plugins

15 Killer Hacks for WordPress that are Extremely Useful

Social Media Cheat Sheet for WordPress – Embedding Social Media is becoming almost a necessity in themes. Using these will save you from using plugins.

How to Add a Favicon to Your WordPress – Favicons are the identity of a website. If you are designing a theme for your own site, we suggest that you give your site a unique identity with a favicon.

Display Feedburner Subscriber Count as Text – When it comes to styling, feedburner chicklets are not the most fancy ones. Therefore this tutorial will show you how you can display the count as text and then style it to match your theme.

How to Exclude Pages from the Navigation Menu

How to Add a Custom Author Profile Page

How to Display Any Number of Posts in a WordPress Loop

WordPress Showcases

We made several showcases throughout the year which are worth looking.

21 Popular Brands that are using WordPress

14 Truly Artistic WordPress Header Designs

17 Popular Universities that are Using WordPress

23 Eco Friendly Sites that are Using WordPress

Best Practices of Contact Form-Page Designs

Best of Best WordPress 404 Error Page Designs

Best of Best WordPress Custom Login Page Designs

Top Notch WordPress Footer Designs

Top 10 Must Have iPhone Apps for Bloggers

Miscellaneous Tutorials

21 Great Plugins to Manage Multi-Author WordPress Blogs Efficiently – Very useful list of plugins if you are running a blog with multiple authors.

15 Plugins to Unleash the Power of jQuery and WordPress

Excellent Tutorials to Utilize the Power of WordPress and Facebook

Must See SEO Guide for WordPress Bloggers – In order to increase your search engine traffic, you must check out this article.

Create a Free Email Newsletter Service Using WordPress

If you recently joined us, these are some of the most important articles this blog published this year, and you should check it out.