How to Add SlideShare to WordPress oEmbed without a Plugin


If you have ever spoken in front of an audience, then you probably know what slideshare is. If you haven’t, then slideshare is a place where people upload their presentation slides, so others can see it. Very often these speakers also embed their slides in their blogs. You can either use the slideshare embed code which works fine, or you can make it much easier for yourself by simply adding it to WordPress oEmbed. This would allow you to simply paste a URL of your slideshare presentation, and it will auto-embed just like the Youtube videos. In this article, we will show you how to add slideshare to WordPress oEmbed without a plugin.

Update: You DO NOT have to use this tutorial anymore. WordPress 3.5+ has built-in oEmbed support for Slideshare.

Open your theme’s functions.php file or a site plugin and simply paste this code:

// Add Slideshare oEmbed  function add_oembed_slideshare(){  wp_oembed_add_provider( '*', '');  }  add_action('init','add_oembed_slideshare');

Thanks to @tammyhart for sharing the snippet with us.

P.S. want to check out all the presentations that we have given? Then visit WPBeginner’s Slideshare