How to Create a Separate Page for Blog Posts in WordPress


By default WordPress displays your content in a blog format on the homepage. But what if you want to create a custom homepage in WordPress? Where does your blog page go? In this article, we will show you how to create a separate page for blog posts in WordPress.

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Using Default Static and Blog Page Settings in WordPress

WordPress comes with built-in support for creating a custom home page (static front page), and a separate page for blog posts. To use this method, you need to create two new WordPress pages. The first page is going to be your custom home page. In your WordPress admin, go to Pages » Add New to create a new page. You can title this page Home. On the right hand side, you will see Page Attributes box with an option to choose a template.

Select a page template for your home page

Most modern WordPress themes come with custom page templates that can be used for the static front page of your website. In this example we are using the Twenty Twelve theme which comes with a front page template. After choosing the template, the next thing you need to do is to click on screen options at the top right corner of the screen and check the discussion box.

Display discussions meta box on post edit screen

This will display discussion meta box below the post edit area. Uncheck both comments and trackbacks to disable discussion on the home page.

Turn off comments on your blog page

Next you need to create another page for your blog posts. You can title this page as Blog. A lot of WordPress themes come with different templates, and it is possible that your theme may have a template to be used for blog page. However, if there is no template available in your theme, then you can simply choose default. Don’t forget to disable the comments and trackbacks option on this page as well.

What we have done here is created two pages which we will use to display a custom homepage and a page for blog posts. Now we need to get WordPress to use these pages accordingly. To do that go to Setttings » Reading and under the Front page displays option choose A static page. Below that choose the page to be used as the front page and the page for your blog posts.

Setting a blog page in WordPress

Save your changes, and load your site to review changes. You may want to display the blog page in your navigation menus. To do that go to Appearance » Menus and add blog page to your menu.

We hope this article helped you create a custom page for blog posts in WordPress. For feedback and questions please leave us a comment or reach us on twitter @WPBeginner.