How to Modify the Help Dropdown Text in WordPress Admin Area


Each WordPress admin screen has a Help button. This area drop downs and contains text that helps the user understand the features of the specific page. When creating a custom site for your clients or a plugin, then you may find a need to modify the Help Dropdown text. In this article, we will show you how to modify the help dropdown text in WordPress admin area.

First open your theme’s functions.php file and paste the following code:

add_action('load-page-new.php','custom_help_page');  add_action('load-page.php','custom_help_page');  function custom_help_page() {    add_filter('contextual_help','custom_page_help');  }  function custom_page_help($help) {    // echo $help; // Uncomment if you just want to append your custom Help text to the default Help text    echo "<h5>Custom Help text</h5>";    echo "<p> HTML goes here.</p>";  }

This code above will add custom help text on every Add New Page screen. You can do this for your posts page, or any other screen. This is something that we will be utilizing for our plugins that we have intentions of creating.

Source: Sixrevisions Blog