How to Remove Default Author Profile Fields in WordPress


Upon the release of WordPress 2.9, we shared with you an article that shows you how to add fields like twitter and facebook to author profile page. In this article we will show you how you can remove unwanted default author profile fields to make WordPress admin panel more user friendly for your clients.

How to Remove Default Author Profile Fields in WordPress

As you can see, we do not want to keep AIM, Yahoo IM, and Jabber/Gtalk. If you are dealing with very new level clients, then you do not want them to see this. It will only complicate things for them. To remove these default fields simply open your theme’s functions.php file and add the following code:

      <?php      add_filter('user_contactmethods','hide_profile_fields',10,1);        function hide_profile_fields( $contactmethods ) {      unset($contactmethods['aim']);      unset($contactmethods['jabber']);      unset($contactmethods['yim']);      return $contactmethods;      }      ?>

This will remove the contact methods like AIM, Jabber, and Yahoo IM. Now if you want to add fields then you should check out our article that talks about adding author profile fields in WordPress.

Source: Strangework by Brad Williams