Secure your PC with Bitdefender Free Antivirus


More about this security company

It is a cybersecurity and antivirus software company based in Romania that delivers endpoint security, internet security and other cyber security products to its users across the globe. Bitdefender free antivirus software is leveraged by many. You might get amazed by the fact that this company handles 11 billion security-related questions every day. Bitdefender is so quick to response to the security threats that it can detect them in less than 3 seconds timeframe.

They also offers free IoT scanner for your home network. It looks for vulnerable devices, passwords and offers detailed security recommendations for your home network. You can stop hackers and intruders from taking the advantage of security holes to log on to your home network, steal private information, hijack smart devices and even spy on your family. Let’s explore their antivirus and IoT scanner in details.

Features of Antivirus

The free version of antivirus software is coupled with a lot of features helping you protect your device. It acts as a guardian to your device.


  1. Acts a Guardian to your PC

It uses a minimalistic approach making sure making sure that your PC is protected against any security threat. You can run on-demand and on-access scans in background that are quick. It offers all essential protection required without any extra stuff.

  1. Free Protection Against Anti-Fraud

The antivirus free edition sniffs and blocks default phishing websites which try to steal your data. If you ever land on scam websites, its advanced filtering system detects the suspicious web page behavior and prevents the sensitive financial data from falling into the wrong hands.

  1. Automatic Updates

Software keeps on updating automatically and keeps you secure against the most advanced cyber security threats on this planet. In this way, you will never miss out on the new updates on its version.

Features of Bitdefender Home (IoT) Scanner

Its IoT scanner is available for free and comes handy to detect the intruders in your network and offers detailed security recommendations for your home network.

Know Who Connects to your Wi-Fi Network

Its IoT scanner detects the hackers and privacy intruders that have entered inside your network. It further stops hackers and intruders to take advantage of security holes in your home network by spying on your family, stealing private information or even hijacking your smart devices.

Get Alerts

If any suspicious device is found connected to your Wi-Fi network, you will get an alert. You can instantly boot out the freeloaders and prevent connection slowdowns. One can even turn of the IoT scanner off to stop scanning and leave it on real time for discovery of new devices.

The Home Scanner is a really awesome tool that scans your Wi-Fi network, maps the devices and identifies and highlights the network security flows, and most importantly, it is available for free. It even looks for weak passwords as well as for vulnerable or poorly encrypted communications. It will also correlate the information collected from connected devices with online vulnerability databases and provides you complete report to ensure maximum security for your network.

The Bottom Line

Bitdefender is one of the best cybersecurity solution providers in the world. It offers an exclusive range of security tools to its users helping them to secure their PC, mobile, home system and other devices. If you haven’t tried its free antivirus and IoT scanner, it’s the time now.